Most Active Three Months For Tornadoes In The US Starts In April

Weather Daily

T​ornadoes can strike certain parts of the U.S. at any time of year, but April, May and June are overwhelmingly the most active when it comes to thunderstorms spawning these destructive forces of nature. H​ere’s a look at several reasons why these springtime months are such a dangerous time of year for tornadoes. Spring’s tornado […]

How Late Into Spring The Last Snow Of The Season Typically Occurs

Weather Daily

S​now has been in short supply for many areas this season, but it may be too early to put away the snow gear. March or April is when the last snowfall of the season occurs for many: The map below shows that for much of the Northeast, Midwest and Plains, the last measurable snow (at least […]

Multi-Day Threat Of Severe Weather, Including Possible Tornadoes, Expected In South

Weather Daily

At a Glance Strong to severe storms in the South could produce a few tornadoes, large hail and wind damage into the weekend as an intensifying low-pressure system tracks eastward. Heavy rainfall from the storms might also produce localized flash flooding. T​his multi-day threat of severe weather begins later Thursday: Severe storms from the next system […]

Texas Panhandle Fires Burn Structures, Close Nuclear Facility

Weather Daily

Fueled by winds gusting at more than 60 mph and dry conditions, wildfires tore through the Texas Panhandle, destroying homes and forcing a nuclear weapons facility to shut down. H​ere’s the latest as of Wednesday morning: -​The largest fire is called the Smokehouse Creek Fire. It has burned more than 400 square miles, according to […]

100 Days Until Hurricane Season: What The Titans Of Seasonal Forecasting Tell Us

Weather Daily

An active hurricane season is likely ahead according to the two titans of the pre-season forecasting: warmer than average water temperatures and the arrival of La Niña. Those two are likely to work in tandem to create a busy season. While it is too early to determine the exact number of tropical storms or hurricanes […]

What Is A Nor’easter?


A nor’easter is a strong area of low pressure along the East Coast of the United States that typically features winds from the northeast off the Atlantic Ocean – hence the term “nor’easter.” The heavily-populated Interstate 95 Northeast Megalopolis, including Boston, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington D.C., is especially vulnerable to this type of storm due […]

The Earth’s tectonic plates made the Himalayas — and could rip them apart

Weather Daily

Researchers theorize that the Indian plate is plunging under the Eurasian plate, but as that process plays out, part of it is splitting apart under Tibet. In the heart of Asia, deep underground, two huge tectonic plates are crashing into each other — a violent but slow-motion bout of geological bumper cars that over time has sculpted […]

Groundhog Day Forecast 2024: Will Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow?..

Weather Daily

All eyes will be on Punxsutawney Phil this Friday morning for Groundhog Day in Pennsylvania where, according to legend, we will find out if an early spring is around the corner or if we have to slog through six more weeks of winter. P​hil will make his prediction around sunrise: The groundhog will emerge near the […]

New Winter Storm Brings More Snow, Ice To Northwest Before Spreading East


J​ust days after Winter Storm Heather brought widespread power outages, gusty winds and heavy ice accumulation to Oregon, another system is set to bring damaging ice conditions back to the Northwest. This storm could also produce snowfall in the northern Rockies, Midwest and East in the coming days. T​he storm has been named Winter Storm Indigo by […]

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